Unlocking Silent
Power With SilentAI

Top-Tier GPU, VPS, Node Rentals & Secure Financial Tools

Silent AI revolutionizes crypto autonomy. Access top-tier GPU, VPS, and blockchain nodes anonymously. Powered by $SILENT, no KYC required. We partner with industry giants like Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and Nvidia for reliability.

Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
Amazon AWS

Silent AI Services:
Core Features

Our Vision And Mission

Our vision is to establish Silent AI as the cornerstone of digital privacy and autonomy in the blockchain space. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive suite of services that empower users to operate anonymously, leveraging the best of blockchain technology to ensure privacy, security, and accessibility.

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TopTier VPS·GPU·NODES Rentals

Rent GPUs, VPS, and blockchain nodes without revealing your identity. Backed by Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and Nvidia for unmatched service quality.

Generate CC Non-KYC

Generate credit cards for spending online, and convert your cryptocurrency to USD anonymously.

Silent Anon Payments

Conduct crypto transactions and ETH transfers with complete privacy.

Staking 100% per-month

Silent AI introduces an innovative staking program that offers an unparalleled 100% return on staked $SILENT tokens every 30 days.

Revenue Share

Our platform now includes a Revenue Share feature, which distributes a portion of the income generated from GPU, VPS, and blockchain node rentals, as well as the transaction taxes from Anonymous Payments and Generate Credit Card services, back to our users.

What Is silentAI?

Silent AI represents a groundbreaking platform designed to redefine digital autonomy and privacy in the crypto landscape. Offering unparalleled access to top-tier GPU, VPS, and blockchain node rentals alongside secure financial tools, Silent AI facilitates a seamless and anonymous infrastructure for developers, traders, and crypto enthusiasts. Powered by the $SILENT token, our ecosystem eliminates the need for traditional KYC processes, ensuring users maintain their privacy while accessing essential digital services.

At Silent AI, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the decentralized world. Leveraging the power of blockchain technology, we offer an extensive range of services including high-performance computing rentals and innovative financial solutions. Our platform is underpinned by robust partnerships with industry giants such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and Nvidia, ensuring reliable, scalable, and efficient services.

why choose

Why choose Silent AI over others, with advantages in privacy, computing, and partnerships?

Privacy First

Our no-KYC policy ensures your identity remains anonymous, fostering a secure environment for your digital activities.

High-Performance Computing

Gain access to cutting-edge GPU, VPS, and blockchain node rentals, optimized for various use cases from AI research to crypto mining.

Secure Financial Tools

From anonymous payments to generating credit cards for crypto-to-USD conversions, we provide the tools you need for financial freedom.

Strategic Partnerships

Supported by leading technology providers, we guarantee reliability and top-tier performance.





Buy/Sell Tax


KolS Allocation $SILENT

Total Supply

CA : 0xA76de18b435693AF41CEFF680982Df6d8e183765


Phase 1
Foundation and Partnership Building

Development Milestones

  • Finalize the conceptual framework for Silent AI, including its core features and services.

  • Initiate the development of the platform's infrastructure with a focus on privacy, security, and user anonymity.

  • Establish partnerships with key technology providers: Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and Nvidia.

Marketing Initiatives

  • Launch initial branding and awareness campaigns.

  • Begin outreach to potential influencers and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) within the crypto and blockchain community.

  • Engage with related blockchain projects for potential collaborations and support.

Phase 2
Platform Development and Expansion

Development Milestones

  • Develop and test the GPU, VPS, and blockchain node rental services.

  • Implement the anonymous payment system and crypto-to-USD conversion feature.

  • Integrate the $SILENT token within the platform for transactions and rentals.

Marketing Initiatives

  • Announce partnerships with influencers and KOLs to create buzz around the platform.

  • Participate in blockchain and crypto conferences to gain visibility and network with potential partners.

  • Initiate discussions with major listing platforms and exchanges for future token listing.

Phase 3
Beta Launch and Community Building

Development Milestones

  • Launch a beta version of the platform to gather user feedback and identify areas for improvement.

  • Refine and optimize the platform based on beta testing results.

  • Enhance security measures and ensure robust protection for user transactions and data.

Marketing Initiatives

  • Expand the influencer and KOL partnership program to drive beta sign-ups and engagement.

  • Host webinars and AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions to educate the community about Silent AI and its features.

  • Develop and launch targeted marketing campaigns to build a strong, engaged community.

Phase 4
Full Launch and Scaling

Development Milestones

  • Officially launch the Silent AI platform with full functionality.

  • Introduce additional features and services based on user demand and technological advancements.

  • Scale the platform's infrastructure to support a growing user base.

Marketing Initiatives

  • Coordinate a large-scale launch event, leveraging partnerships with influencers, KOLs, and related projects.

  • Secure listings on major crypto exchanges to increase $SILENT token accessibility and liquidity.

  • Implement continuous engagement strategies to retain users and attract new ones through referral programs and partnerships.

Phase 5
Continuous Improvement and Ecosystem Expansion

Development Milestones

  • Continuously monitor, update, and upgrade the platform to incorporate new technologies and features.

  • Explore and integrate additional blockchain solutions to enhance platform services and user experience.

  • Expand the range of supported cryptocurrencies and conversion options.

Marketing Initiatives

  • Strengthen existing partnerships and establish new ones with tech providers, exchanges, and influential figures in the crypto space.

  • Launch ongoing educational and marketing campaigns to maintain user engagement and attract a wider audience.

  • Explore opportunities for global expansion by tailoring services to meet the needs of users in different regions.

Our Team